First Day of School
Welcome students and parents to the 2024-2025 school year!
August 13th |
Meet the Teacher
Kindergarten - teachers will email times
1-6th grade Last Name:
A - M 9:00-9:30
N - Z 9:45-10:15
August 14th |
First Day of School
Arrival Time 8:05
Start Time 8:20
August 20th |
Back to School Night
Early Release Day
8:20 - 1:50
** Please follow the steps below to complete the information REQUIRED before the first day of school. **
New to PowerSchool Parent Portal?
An account has been set up for you and a message was sent to the email provided upon registration. If you need assistance, please complete a request for access and allow 2 business days.
An account has been set up for you and a message was sent to the email provided upon registration. If you need assistance, please complete a request for access and allow 2 business days.
Already have an account in the PowerSchool Parent Portal? Parents of returning students use the portal to update your child's information that we currently have on file. Log in to the parent portal and click on FORMS to begin.
Before your child's first day of school, follow these steps:
- Log in to your PowerSchool Parent Portal account.
- Click FORMS on the left menu and complete each.
- Permissions and Agreements. Read and review these documents with your child.
- ESSA Complete and submit.
- Health Information. Add or make changes to the information we have on file.
- Student Contacts. Review and update. Add at least one Emergency Contact if you don't already have someone listed.
Other important information:
- School Calendar
- Bell Schedule
- School Supplies
- Nutrition Services (application for free/reduced lunch)
- Health Services (medication forms for asthma, epi, over-the-counter. sites will communicate medication drop-off days)
- Traffic Guidelines
- STAR (after school care)
- School News App (mobile app for updates)
- Health4All Kids
- McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless